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Image: The sun setting over Cheam Peak and Chilliwack in the Fraser Valley Regional District. / Hpbfotos / Dreamstime
Development plan

FRVD approves Regional Growth Strategy

Apr 27, 2024 | 7:55 AM

CHILLIWACK — The Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD) has set in place an updated Regional Growth Strategy (RGS). Fraser Valley Future 2050 builds on its predecessor document while integrating new legislation and addressing evolving regional concerns. The RGS sets a roadmap for the region’s development with input from various stakeholders.

“The approval of the RGS is a significant milestone for the region,” said Jason Lum, FVRD Board Chair. “It signifies a shared commitment by our member jurisdictions of promoting the health, well-being, and sustainability of the communities within the region.”

With projections indicating a population surge exceeding 500,000 by 2050, the FVRD faces a gamut of challenges and increasing pressures. As the third most populated Regional District in the province, the RGS is a strategic tool to navigate future growth, providing a framework for coordinated planning among local governments, the Province, and other pertinent agencies.

Updates to the RGS include enhancing collaboration among government levels, respecting the rights and self-governance of First Nations communities, integrating the interests of Indigenous Peoples and local First Nation Communities, bolstering regional transit and transportation infrastructure, expanding public transit and active transportation networks, curbing greenhouse gas emissions, and fortifying readiness and response mechanisms for climate emergencies.