Image: Mike Vanden Bosch / Pattison Media / Wayne Furness of F.H. Forestry Ltd. operates a mini-excavator to clean up an abandoned encampment in February 2025 on Soowahlie First Nation land. Soowahlie FN has issued an eviction/trespassing notice to all unhoused campers, telling them to leave by April 4, 2025, or face possible arrest.
Land eviction

Chilliwack band orders unhoused campers off its land

Mar 17, 2025 | 9:46 AM

CHILLIWACK — A Chilliwack First Nation band has issued an eviction notice that effectively orders all unhoused campers off its sovereign land.

According to a picture sent to Fraser Valley Today by longtime Chilliwack resident Ross Aikenhead, who goes by Nikita Aikenhead on Facebook, Soowahlie First Nation has installed signs ordering all unhoused campers on its land to leave by April 4, 2025, or face consequences.

“I write on behalf of Soowahlie First Nation Chief and Council to inform you of your trespass on our community lands, located within our Soowahlie reserve lands,” the notice of eviction and trespass stated. “Soowahlie is responsible for the protection and management of our Soowahlie Lands, and has the authority to govern these lands and our resources.”

The posted edict dated March 5, 2025, states that any person who resides on, enters or remains on Soowahlie lands, other than in accordance with a valid legal interest, agreement, residence or access right under the Soowahlie Land Code, is guilty of a summary offence, punishable by summary conviction or immediate removal.

Image: Ross Aikenhead, used with permission / The posted eviction notice dated March 5, 2025.

“It has come to our attention that you are trespassing, exhibiting disorderly conduct, causing a nuisance, and extracting natural resources on our Community Lands,” the eviction/trespassing notice indicated. “Where a person who has been ordered to stop engaging in disorderly conduct fails or refuses to do so, an Enforcement Officer may take such measures as are necessary to stop the disorderly conduct, or to prevent or to stop the nuisance, which may include arresting a person, or removing a person from Soowahlie Lands.”

Unhoused campers are ordered to leave the premises by Friday, April 4, 2025.

Image: Ross Aikenhead, used with permission / Soowahlie First Nation sign.

“Be advised that failure to comply with this order will result in further legal action to enforce the eviction and address your unlawful trespassing onto our Nation’s lands,” the notice said.

Just a month ago, a multi-day cleanup effort intended to clear out multiple encampments on Soowahlie First Nation land and private property just south of Chilliwack Lake Road occurred. Contractor Jason Walters, Wayne Furness of F.H. Forestry Ltd. and a third individual worked multiple days to clear out at least three camps starting on Wednesday, Feb. 20. While that number may seem low, it’s due to the staggering amount of rubbish that has accumulated over months, if not years. Garbage is repeatedly strewn throughout the forested trails between Chilliwack Lake Road and the Chilliwack River, including roughly a dozen or more shopping carts.

The eviction order is similar to the one posted at the now-demolished Island 22 homeless encampment in December 2023 when unhoused campers were ordered to vacate the premises (at 45645 Cartmell Road in Chilliwack) or face legal action including arrest.

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