Image: Mike Vanden Bosch / Pattison Media / The Tyson Road/Watson Road roundabout is pictured after a single-vehicle collision happened Saturday night.
Roundabout crash

Impairment not a factor in Saturday night’s roundabout crash: Chilliwack RCMP

Mar 18, 2025 | 11:20 AM

CHILLIWACK — A Chilliwack RCMP spokesperson says impairment did not contribute to Saturday night’s vehicle crash at the Tyson Road-Watson Road roundabout in Sardis.

According to an email from RCMP spokesperson Debbie Sargent to Fraser Valley Today, Chilliwack RCMP received a call from B.C. Emergency Health Services Saturday night advising of a single-vehicle collision at 11:30 p.m. at the Tyson/Watson roundabout.

Police attended and spoke with the driver who was uninjured. Driver fatigue is believed to be the cause, Sargent said, and alcohol was not a factor.

The driver was issued a violation ticket.

A picture taken by Jordann O’Byrne showed multiple first responders, including at least three RCMP units, attending the incident.

Image: Jordann O’Byrne / First responders were dispatched Saturday night to a single-vehicle collision at the Tyson/Watson roundabout.

Roads were moist at the time of the incident due to rain that night.

The scene was left in care of RCMP members.

At least two signs were knocked down due to the vehicle incident, including a Tyson Road northbound sign, and another sign was severely bent following the crash. Firefighters notified dispatch that public works crews would be needed to fix the signs. Deep tire tracks were visible on the roundabout’s grass Sunday morning.

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