A complaint about a neighbour’s cologne tops the list of worst reasons to call 9-1-1 in 2024
CHILLIWACK — A neighbour’s stinky cologne and a box of rotten avocados are among the bizarre reasons people called 9-1-1 in 2024, according to E-Comm, which handles about two million emergency calls annually across British Columbia.
To highlight the importance of reserving 9-1-1 for emergencies, E-Comm released its annual list of the top 10 unusual calls. The list includes complaints about dry cleaning mishaps, technical support requests, and directions to a 24-hour pharmacy.
E-Comm says it understands that some situations might feel urgent in the moment, but 9-1-1 is not the appropriate number to call if your power goes out or you need tech support. “By directing your non-urgent calls to the appropriate resources such as your local police non-emergency line, you are helping to ensure our call takers are available for real emergency situations,” said a 911 operator identified as Kuzivakwashe.
The unusual 2024 calls included a request for help removing a wasp nest, a complaint about McDonald’s not opening its doors, and concerns over a domesticated-looking bunny in a park.