Over 200 units of housing could be coming to Chilliwack neighbourhood along Vedder Road, near vet clinic
CHILLIWACK — The City of Chilliwack is currently processing a development application from Castillo Developments Incorporated that would see over 200 housing units built on seven properties along, and just off, Vedder Road, located south of Keith Wilson Road, in Chilliwack.
Liana Wiebe, communications manager for the City of Chilliwack, told Fraser Valley Today in an email Tuesday (Aug. 13) that staff are currently processing an Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment, rezoning and development permit application to facilitate a new 218-unit apartment development on the consolidated properties of 45651 Alma Avenue, 5478, 5462, 5456, and 5446 Vedder Road, and 5471, 5477 and 5487 Viola Avenue, just north of Vedder Mountain Veterinary Clinic.
The applicant, Castillo Developments Inc., has asked that the 2040 OCP designation of “South Vedder Commercial Core” be amended to “Apartment Residential” for 5471 Viola Street, 45651 Alma Avenue and portions of 5446 and 5456 Vedder Road, and that all subject properties from CS1 (service commercial), C2 (local commercial) and R1-A (urban residential) zones be amended to a new CD-27 (comprehensive development-27) zone to build this 218-unit housing development that will feature a mixed-use commercial and residential development.
The properties in question once housed two businesses, including Villa Hairstyles at 5456 Vedder Road and Vedder Mountain Field Supplies at 5456, as of August 2009, according to a Google Maps street view image.