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Image: File image of the B.C. Legislature / BC Govt. / Flickr

YOUR PERSPECTIVE: Seven years of NDP government has failed British Columbians

May 22, 2024 | 8:01 AM

As the Legislature adjourns for the summer and we get closer to the October 2024 election, the results of this NDP government’s seven years in power are clear, the NDP has left British Columbians worse off by every metric. Despite promises and continuous announcements, the reality is stark: David Eby’s NDP government has failed to deliver the results on the issues that matter most to British Columbians.

Public safety has been completely abandoned under the current government. David Eby’s soft-on-crime policies and catch-and release justice system has put communities in danger by allowing repeat violent offenders to walk free. Under his leadership, the rights of violent criminals have been prioritized over the rights of law-abiding citizens to feel safe in their own communities.

Meanwhile, small businesses, the backbone of B.C.’s economy are struggling to survive amidst rampant theft, vandalism, and crime on top of skyrocketing inflation and more than 30 new or increased NDP taxes. These businesses are integral to providing jobs and services, and their struggles are a direct reflection of the deteriorating safety and security in our towns and cities.

British Columbia’s healthcare system is in a state of crisis. The NDP’s so-called “new normal” in healthcare has led to crippling staff shortages, record-long wait times, and regular closures of Emergency Rooms across the province. Our province now has the longest walk-in wait times in Canada, and shockingly, one in five residents do not have access to a family doctor. This is not just a political failure, but also a moral one as it impacts the wellbeing and lives of countless British Columbians.

The NDP’s reckless decriminalization experiment has resulted in a surge in open drug use and the diversion of government-supplied addictive drugs. Even in B.C. hospitals, healthcare professionals were put at risk as they had to deal with open drug use taking place, putting both patients and staff at risk.

All of these issues have been made worse by a cost-of-living crisis that is punishing British Columbians wallets. The NDP’s middle-class squeeze has turned B.C. into the least affordable province in Canada. British Columbians are grappling with the highest gas prices and gas taxes in North America, the highest rental costs in the country, and the most unaffordable housing in North America. The economic strain is further felt as half of all British Columbians are $200 or less away from not being able to pay their bills at the end of every month.

This comes after B.C. lost 6,700 full-time jobs in April. Meanwhile, since January 2019, 77 percent of job growth under the NDP has been in the public sector, contributing to the overly bloated government bureaucracy.

In every way, the NDP has fallen far short in delivering real results. Eighteen months ago, David Eby promised “results that people can see, feel, touch, and experience in their lives.” Yet, if you ask any British Columbian today, they will tell you that nothing has changed; in fact, things have only gotten worse.

Kevin Falcon and our entire BC United team have been working diligently and speaking with British Columbians in every corner of the province so we can offer a new approach to make everyone’s lives better. As we approach the October 2024 election, we will continue to listen to your voices and offer real solutions to get B.C. back on track and government working for you.

United, we will fix it.


Editor’s Note: This opinion piece reflects the views of its author, and does not necessarily represent the views of Fraser Valley Today or Pattison Media.

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