BC RCMP warns public about buying used cars, especially if the price is too good to be true
SURREY — BC RCMP investigators with the Integrated Municipal Provincial Auto Crime Team (IMPACT) are warning the public about purchasing reasonably priced used cars, saying these vehicles may have been stolen in a scenario that could leave car buyers with repossessed vehicles that are essentially worthless.
In a statement issued Monday (Dec. 18), police investigators involved with IMPACT say they have been working on files where B.C. residents have been purchasing used vehicles, often at decently good prices, and when they go to register their newly acquired vehicles, they learn the VIN is fake and the vehicle in fact has been stolen. At this point, police say, the car is then repossessed and the buyer has lost their money.
“We have seen these vehicle purchases being made on secondary markets online but also at used car dealerships where the dealership is unaware until they sell the vehicle and the new owner tries to register it,” said Acting Inspector Eugene Lum, Officer in Charge of IMPACT.
Police say it is always recommended for vehicle buyers to meet their seller in person, in a safe location, bringing a friend or family member, and conducting a test drive. Police provided the following tips and steps to take before purchasing a used vehicle: